Thursday, June 2, 2011

My Buddy and Schoolwork: a continuing saga

  My honey had a bad day at work today, so we went out for a dinner date. We had to stay pretty close-by in order to pick up our oldest at tumbling class, but one of our favorite haunts is close enough for a two-hour window. Of course, three minutes after we sit down, we get a call from our son saying he can't concentrate on his homework because his sister has the music on. It's always something among our three cherubim. Unfortunately, when I get home an hour later, he is still on the same math sheet. Did he complain when his younger sister turned on YouTube right beside him? nooo. Good grief! I always try to be patient with my son in preparation for homeschooling him in September. But if people could be described with roadsigns, my boy's is posted in Rehoboth, DE, and reads,"TURTLE CROSSING." Yow.

   Praise God, we are all also "UNDER CONSTRUCTION," as it will take a lot of patience to get my buddy through school. I pray that I am up to the task. He needs one-on-one attention due to several learning differences, so we are pulling him out for his middle-school years. He is behind on his language arts skills, but his organization skills are enough to make his teacher want to choke him. He would get all As on science and math, if he would turn in his work...


1 comment:

  1. Your blog is great! As I've been reading your post, you keep making me smile!
